Why You Should Visit Kyushu On A Trip To Tokyo, Japan.

I visited Japan just over a year ago and have been desperate to return ever since. It is a spectacular, unique country with so much to see, eat and do.

The number one place on everyone’s list is of course Tokyo, the country’s capital, a place I am determined to visit soon. If you want to visit somewhere a bit ‘off the beaten path’ then I’m told Kyushu is worth a visit too and a great place to tie in with a visit to Tokyo. It’s relatively easy to fly between different islands and mixing up a few days in the city with a few days in the sub tropical climate of Kyushu will give you a varied holiday of different extremes.

Kyushu is Japan’s third largest island, located in the Southwest. It is relatively unknown to western tourists, but not through any fault of its own. Filled with diverse food options, a rich culture and spectacular scenery it should be on everyone’s Japan visit list.

Here are a few of the best things to do in Tokyo and Kyushu as best shown in the videos.

From Cafe Hopping In Tokyo To Island Boat Rides In Nagasaki, Kyushu

Tokyo has no end of quirky cafes to try, from cat cafes, to cafes in inner city gardens of dreams, there is plenty to keep you busy for days trying some of Japan’s quirky drinks.

In contrast,, in Nagasaki you can spend your day on a boat being taken around the hundreds of tiny islands that make up the South Western part of Japan.

From Water Sports In Tokyo To Waterfalls And Caves In Miyasaki, Kyushu

Imagine kayaking through the middle of Tokyo looking up at the huge skyscrapers above. I’ve done it in London but can imagine it being even more impressive in Japan’s capital city.

Now imagine being in a small rowing boat as you row at Takachiho Gorg, getting up close to the waterfalls, and after then walking through the spectacular caves. You can hire boats to travel through the Takachiho gorge when you arrive.

From Segways Through Showa Memorial Park In Tokyo To Walking Mt Aso In Kumamoto

Tokyo isn’t all high rises and crazy arcades, there’s plenty of nature to see too. A visit to Showa National Park can see you walking through poppy fields and other wild flowers, taking small train rides through the park or segwaying along one of the many footpaths.

Alternatively you could be driving, hiking or horse riding around Mt Aso, Japan’s largest active volcano. The spectacular lush green 360 views make all that crazy adrenalin pumping through your body, from being by an active volcano worth it.Don’t worry you get a warning if it’s going to erupt! 

From The Bonsai Gardens Of Tokyo, To The Lush Green Lands Of Yakushima Island

If you’re still in need of some green in the big city then visit one of the Bonsai gardens of Tokyo. There you could buy your own mini Bonsai to bring home or just admire some of the incredible trees that are hundreds of year’s old.

Yakushima island is filled with the most lush green hills, giant trees and exceptional views. Perfect for hiking come rain or shine and seeing some of Japan’s diverse ecosystems.

Eat All The Food In Tokyo And Kyushu

Can you write a blog about Japan without mentioning the food?! From the weird to the wonderful Japan has it all! In Tokyo there’s everything from grilled eel to chicken skewers and soba noodles and in Kyushu you could spend your day trying different delights from the food markets in town or head straight to Miyazaki chicken stalls, one of Japan’s signature dishes.

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