5 Places In Italy I Would Return To Again (And Again)

Italy has long been one of my favourite countries, in fact it is probably my favourite country in Europe, except my home of the UK of course. Nothing beats home, even for someone as travel obsessed as me.

However I could still see myself living in Italy for a few months. I imagine a much calmer pace of life. Longer lunches, lazy brunches, slow dinners, as you sip wine in an orchard. The kids running around chasing the dog as the sun sets and you laugh with your best friends and enjoy a delicious freshly cooked dinner.

Ok I am totally daydreaming here, I don’t even have kids, not even sure I want them (or at least not sure I want kids, plural!) and in reality I will probably be burning the dinner, the dog (there will definitely be a dog!) will be sneaking food off the table, and my friends probably won’t even be in Italy. But you get my drift… and yes the scene I just set was 100% stolen from Under the Tuscan Sun… a film which makes anyone want to move to Italy.

Anyway I’ve digressed again. So as Italy is a country I love and hope to return to again and again, I thought I would share my top 5 places in Italy I want to return to again and again. Some of them are not that far from each other and with a long weekend or a week at your disposal, can be combined in the frame of a wonderful road trip.

I love a roadtrip abroad and have used the value for money car hire comparison portal Auto Europe  to get the best deal. Hiring a car really is the perfect way not to miss all the smaller cities and hidden gems spread across Italy, with extreme flexibility and comfort

Top 5 Places In Italy Worth Returning To

Amalfi Coast

Everyone’s heard of the Amalfi Coast! I visited this Coast on part of a cruise I took a few years back. Therefore I only got a few hours there and didn’t get to visit the famous Positano (Another Under the Tuscan Sun reference).I want to sit in a cafe sipping Espresso (I don’t drink coffee but who’s asking?!), while the small waves lap softly below me. I’ll obviously be looking fabulous in a simple sophisticated Italian dress and large hat. As my head tips upwards revealing my face, a young Italian stallion will be smiling at me offering to take me for a drive on his scooter through the Amalfi Coast hills. We will stop off at one of ‘his’ amazing Amalfi Coast Villas, for a casual banquet with his family, before retiring to bed and… ok I’ll stop that daydream right there!

Moving swiftly on to the next destination I love in Italy…


I spent a day in Florence a few years ago and was blown away by its beauty. The churches, the tiny cobbled streets, the secret squares, the food… It is quite possibly the most beautiful city in Italy with so much culture.

I was only in Florence for one day so didn’t feel I gave the city justice. When I return I’d like to pretend I’m an art student studying the history of art in the city, visiting all the ancient buildings and museums like the Palatine Gallery or the Florence Cathedral.

I’d pretend to be intelligent taking notes in a beautiful little notebook and muttering ‘bellisimo’ as I move my hand with my fingers and thumb touching in that expression of appreciation. Sorry daydreaming again!

Parco Oglio Nord

Parco Oglio Nord is probably a part of Italy you haven’t heard of. Up in the north, to the East of Milan, it is a national park based either side of the Oglio river. The river was both a geographical and political boundary in the 13th century and some of the original buildings still exist today. The area is filled with beautiful little Italian towns with so many old castles and buildings you can spend hours just wandering around.

It is true Italy, without the masses of tourists, but still with the true Italian charm and facilities you would want as a tourist. Great hotels, amazing views and the most delicious food. The slightly more well known part where the river meets a beautiful Lago D’iseo and your breath is taken away by the landscape views and calm waters. People swim in the lake in summer, but for me the fresh winter air and piercing blue skies are enough to keep me wanting more.


Lucca is probably the city I have visited the most in Italy. My auntie has a villa in a small village not far from Lucca, so when we visited this was a regular day trip. You can walk or cycle all the way around the city walls, looking down on the higgledy piggledy streets below. It is a bit calmer than some of the other Italian towns as it isn’t one of most people’s top five Italian places.

It is a treasure trove of unique shops, from leather bags, to classy shoes or simple stylish Italian fashion. There are a multitude of unique family run restaurants serving fresh food and probably my favourite main square in a city, where you can watch the locals have heated, friendly arguments over their morning coffee.

The journey to Lucca is fun too, up a big winding road, that is oddly often filled with crazy people on bikes, who seem to think the tough journey up is worth the speedy journey down!? Think I’ll stick to the car!


My mummy’s name is Roma, so I’ve got to go back to take some Roma inspired pictures right?!

Well that and I didn’t actually get to see any of Rome when I visited. It was the starting point for my cruise so I just went straight from the airport to the boat.

I want to make a wish in the Trevi fountain, wander around the Colosseum like a Roman and take a food tour of ALL the best restaurants.

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