8 Things To Do On A Countryside Hen Do In The UK.

I am in the midst of organising my second countryside hen do for a friend and thought I would share a few of the best ideas for things to do on a countryside hen do. Hen dos in the countryside can be so much fun and can be a perfect mix of wild crazy nights to relaxing retreats and everything in between.

It seems the craze of matching pink outfits, horns and hen names sprawled across your back, whilst drunkenly stumbling through city nightclubs has moved on to the more sophisticated hen do. Whether this is city girls needing to escape for a more calming hen do or the need for some fresh air for those living amongst London smog, countryside hen dos seem to be becoming ever more popular.

So Here Are My 8 Things To Do On A Countryside Hen Do In The UK!

1. Stand Up Paddleboarding – SUP

Starting with what I know best, because I did it!

On my friend Niki’s hen do last summer we hired a large cottage in the middle of the countryside near Bristol. You had to drive through fields with some rather scary looking cows to get to the front door, that’s just how ‘country’ it was. As our activity we did ironically drive into a city, but with Bristol only half an hour away it was well worth the drive for an afternoon of SUP – Stand Up Paddle boarding.

We tried out SUP with Kate from SUP Bristol who was one of our hens too. Even without the sun shining down and a spot of drizzling rain, the couple of hours on a paddleboard was filled with giggles and ‘almost’ falls. We just about all made it back to dry land without falling in… well except the bride, who fell in to raucous applause from the rest of the group. Tehe sorry Nikita!

2. Country Walks & Pub Lunches

You can’t spend a weekend in the country without donning your walking boots and heading out into the open wilderness. Plan your walk around a country pub for a well-deserved hearty lunch and a glass of wine before stomping back home through the mud.

 3. In House Spa Treatments

There are loads of mobile spas now that specialise in hen dos. Each hen could pre book a treatment for an afternoon of luxury with massages, manicures and facials. You could even go one step further and find a cottage with its own swimming pool or hot tub. 

4. Go Ape / Assault Courses

I have done Go Ape a couple of times and loved it. I •think* it is aimed at kids but is definitely still an adventure for fully-grown adults such as ourselves. It is great in a group, spurring each other on before you climb up a rope wall or speed down a zip line. There are some more adult assault courses around the country too, that might test your strength even further.

5. Treasure Hunts

Putting together a fun treasure hunt with clues, prizes, forfeits and dares for your team of hens could add a twist to your weekend. It could be just around your garden or go further afield and include talking to strangers, finding things in pubs or daring stunts. The countryside is your treasure hunt oyster! 

6. Picnics And Party Games

If you’re heading out in the summer months then a summer’s picnic is surely on the cards? Packing up some sandwiches, salads and of course lots of Prosecco and wine is a lovely relaxing way to while away a few hours. Add in a few silly hen party games and it makes a change to doing this pre night out.

7. Water Sports

I already mentioned SUP above, but there are loads more of adrenaline fuelled water sports across the countryside. White water rafting, kayaking, sailing, windsurfing, the list of activities to try whilst getting soaked from head to do is quite long.

8. Trying The Local Delicacies

Depending where you’re staying there is sure to be a local treat to try nearby. Whether it is a local winery, cider tasting (as we did in the West Country) or perhaps a cheese maker (yuk I hate chase… I know I’m weird) or baker. Book in for a tasting for a lunchtime tipple or two.

This is just a snapshot of ideas for a countryside hen do in the UK. We are still putting together ideas for my friend Anna’s hen so if you have any cool ideas for Derbyshire hen do then give me a shout.

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