10 Things To Enjoy About Autumn Walks

There is nothing I enjoy more than an Autumn walk. We are lucky that our British Countryside looks beautiful in all seasons. But something magical happens during Autumn, as our trees have their last hurrah!

Top 10 Things To Enjoy About Autumn Walks

Wrapping Yourself Up All Cosy

There is something comforting about being out in the chill weather, but feeling warm and snug in your Autumn wardrobe. Wrapping yourself up in chunky knitted jumpers, cosy boots, snuggly scarves, mittens and hats!

Kicking Through The Autumn Leaves

Frankly, it’s got to be done on any Autumn walk! I love the crisp, rustling sound of dry Autumn leaves. Something primal happens when you mix children, the family dog and autumn leaves.

Watching their sheer joy at throwing the leaves, rolling down a hill on the leaves and kicking them up in the air.

Taking A Moment To Absorb The Autumn Colours

The rich autumnal palette is really something special. William Allen Ward wrote “Autumn is an artist who uses an oak leaf on which to paint a masterpiece”. Well all those little masterpieces really do add up to something awesome. Get out there and drink it in.

Learning New Things

You can learn so much from and about nature. On your walks observe some of the autumnal changes. If you’re not sure what those gorgeous red berries are look them up in a wildlife book or online.

I did this with vibernum and found that you can make a jam from the berries, so that’s been added to the list of ‘Things to try!”

Re-Visiting Places You Went To In Summer

Revisit places you visited in Summer and see how different they look dressed in Autumn colours.

Take some photos and compare the two scenes. With your favourite landscape you could make a collage: one picture for each season; the differences can be quite striking!

Warming Up When You Get Home

One of the pleasures of getting out for Autumn walks is warming up when you get back indoors. Make yourself a luxury hot chocolate with all the trimmings or perhaps cosy up by a pub fire with a glass of mulled wine. 100% Hygge.

Escape The Hustle And Bustle, Relax And Unwind.

Take the time to do some mindfulness activities in the autumnal countryside. The low sun during these months really makes for some striking scenery; spend time noticing the little details. Notice how the low sun shines beautifully through the autumn leaves; it also creates some wonderful reflections on the canal water surface.

Bring The Outdoors Inside

Go on an autumn treasure hunt and gather conkers, acorns, chestnuts, leaves of all different colours and shapes.


It is of course harvest time and even if you’re not green-fingered enough to plant your own crops, nature does it for you in the wild!

Do a little bit of research before you enjoy your Autumn walk (there’s lots of info online) and then get into the autumn countryside and forage!

This year I learnt that elderberries are packed full of vitamin C and found a recipe for elderberry cordial online, so we picked a load of berries and made a delicious and flu-fighting drink! Great fun and healthy too!

Word of caution: be very careful when picking things to eat. Check and double check that they are edible. I don’t go near mushrooms as even the experts have been known to get it wrong, sometimes with dire consequences!

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